

Instabox Dog Jog 2018

SCARS is grateful for all the support that is provided by the folks at Instabox over the course of the year! On Saturday, September 8th they sponsored the second annual Instabox Dog Jog at Lacombe ....

Star was shot

This is Star's Story. Sept. 22/18 update: For the last 10 days it has been a hard fought battle to save my life.  The traumatic injury caused by the ricocheting bullet combined with the aggressive ....

Ozzy (formerly Jill)

Hi SCARS! My name is Jenny, my hubby Raf and I adopted Jill, now known as Ozzy, at the beginning of June. We wanted to send you a little pupdate on how she is doing. ....

Harlow (formerly Zena)

Hello SCARS! I am Harlow (formerly Zena) and I chose my furever home back in 2014. When I was with SCARS, I was extremely timid. The slightest noise or movement would send me into hiding. ....


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