Sam (formerly Clyde) and Cash
This is Sam and Cash (formerly Clyde) I adopted Sam in Jan 2012 and Cash in November 2018. Thank you for bringing these 2 into my life. I will always be grateful to you. ....
Anubis (formerly Kygo)
In the fall of 2017, we decided to expand our family and get our 1-year-old Pitbull cross, Bowser, a companion. We chose SCARS, filled out an application and watched the website for a ....
Hi SCARS, Thought we’d give you a little update as we celebrate Sunny's first birthday! He’s a solid 65 lbs and the vet said he is in perfect health! He now goes to daycare ....
SCARS has a vacant Board of Directors position
The Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) Board of Directors has a vacant Director-at-Large position. If you are committed to the SCARS mandate, have board experience and/or extensive committee experience, can work collaboratively, attend ....
Wagathon brings record donation to SCARS!
THANK YOU WAGATHON!!!!! SCARS is humbled and somewhat in shock about the generosity we received from W.P. Wagner, Kate Chegwin, Svend Hansen, Weinlos, Minchau, and Pollard Meadows schools. Through the efforts of dedicated kids/young ....