Volunteer profile: Elizyah
Meet Elizyah! I started with SCARS October 2019. Since finishing my BBA Degree in April, I had a ton of free time and wasn’t sure what to do with it. I came across a ....
Volunteer profile: Trish
Meet Trish! Trish started volunteering with SCARS in 2015. She currently helps coordinate the Walls 4 Winter Program. This program provides insulated pet shelters and straw to residents in rural communities that otherwise would ....
Volunteer profile: Heather
Meet Heather! "There is nothing more rewarding than watching the shy, shut down, sick or injured animals come out of their shells, transform in front of your eyes and move on to find their ....
Volunteer profile: Crystal
Meet Crystal, a foster home and foster home supervisor! Also known as the crazy cat lady on call, as it is not unusual to find a large number of cats and kittens at her ....
Volunteer profile: Jill
Meet Jill. It is hard to even begin to think about the impact Jill has had on SCARS in such a short amount of time. Jill is the creative genius behind our Christmas and Spring ....