Sir Duke (formerly Captain) and Tennielle
Hello SCARS, I thought I would send you a long overdue update. Thirteen years ago, I was a foster mom for SCARS. I was young, early 20s. I had no idea what I was ....
Grace (formerly Logic)
Hello SCARS, 10 months ago you guys brought little Grace (previously named Logic) into our lives and we recently realized we hadn’t sent you guys a pup-date on her yet, so here’s how Gracie ....
Starbuck (formerly Bootsie)
Hello Scars. My name is Starbuck, or "Star" for short (formerly Bootsie). I actually have many nicknames: Starry Night, Superstar, Buckley, and Skrat, among other nicknames that are full of affection. I'm writing to give ....
Hello SCARS, It’s AJ, and LOOK AT ME NOW! October 20th was the one-year anniversary of my adoption by my forever family. I have changed so much in one year. I think I am a ....
Family BBQ Fundraiser for SCARS!
We are grateful that these kind people decided to raise money for SCARS as part of their annual, August BBQ celebration with family and friends! Tim Tymchuk shared their story…. When we first started ....