Meet some of our new intakes
August 27/21 - Meet some of the newest faces of the SCARS Family! The rescue requests are endless and we couldn’t do any of this without the foster homes, volunteers and our supporters! **These faces ....
Exhausted. Exhausted from the endless search for food. Exhausted from trying to help my almost year old pups survive. Exhausted from the pain of advanced Glaucoma. With no reserves left and desperate for food I ....
Hello SCARS, We adopted Harlow (we kept her name) on December 12, 2020. She was about four months old. She was so full of happiness and love even after living as a stray for ....
Raya (formerly Tigger)
Hello SCARS, We adopted Raya (formerly Tigger) a few days ago and she is so incredibly friendly! She is still a bit nervous of our resident SCARS cat, Jerry, but they are good in ....
Thank you to Champion Petfoods
We are so grateful for our most recent donation from Champion Petfoods. They provided seven pallets of food that will help keep our foster animals well fed. Their ongoing support over the years has been ....