Avyanna and pups saved from the cold
December 27, 2021 .... Out of the cold! This little mom and her six babies arrived today and are lucky to have survived this freezing weather. How they made it this far, we don't ....
Zues’s story
T'was just days before Christmas and all through the land, good dogs were all doing the best that they can... Zeus's story. Things weren't going my way. I had no home, no safe place to ....
W4W Shelter Delivery Day
Winter is here again and we have been delivering as many insulated pet shelters as possible. These dogs loved their new shelter so much they didn’t want to come back out. When we visit communities, ....
Hello SCARS, Early in 2021, I had been working from home for many months and got the itch to get a second dog. I told my husband it would help our other dog, Zoey, ....
Dixie Speck
Hello SCARS, Dixie Speck signing in to let you all know how I am doing, and I am well. I still rule the roost, so to speak. I’m still very vocal and full of ....