Hello SCARS, My husband and I adopted a dog from you guys about 7 years ago. I am writing to say that he is such a gem and we are so glad you took the time to help him. When he came to you he had a badly broken back leg. You guys paid to have him fixed up and his foster family did his rehab while he healed. When we adopted him the vet guessed he was about a year old. We get comments all the time about what a great dog he is. Calm, well mannered, rarely barks, never jumps up and loves all dogs, cats and people. A few friends and family members have recently gotten puppies and have sought us out for doggie play dates since Murph is calm and kind and helps nervous pups gain confidence. I have attached a video of him with our friend’s puppy. Her owner said she is typically scared of other dogs and runs away or hides; the video is about 20 minutes after they met. There are some photos as well, he is just the best.

Murphy goes to show that rescue dogs can be amazing family pets and you don’t need to get a puppy to have a best friend. Thanks SCARS for giving Murphy his second chance!

VIDEO: Murphy