Hello SCARS! It has officially been one year since SCARS helped bring Moxie and Pixie into my life, and I have to say it has been the best year ever! The “orangies” as they are lovingly known as have brought so much happiness to me. I could not imagine living without the two of them, including all the mischief they cause! Moxie is as sweet as ever, has cuddles for days, loves to play with crinkly toys and uses her adorable meow to get your attention if you seemingly forget about her, especially if you are talking on the phone). Even though she seems to be the ring leader when it comes to causing trouble, I couldn’t imagine going to sleep without her purrs beside me!
Pixie has come out her shell so much! The first few months I wasn’t able to pet her or move at all if she did come sit on the couch within reach. Now she will jump up beside me for pets and she has the best nuzzles too! We are still working on getting used to other people, but she will come out from hiding and observe from a distance! Pix has also found her voice when it comes to feeding time, she has the sweetest meow that sounds just like a kitten!
I look forward to the many more memories I am going to make with my ginger girlies and I can’t thank SCARS enough for all you guys do!