SCARS first met Moo as a part of our Spay-Neuter-Return program. This program allow us, with the support of community leaders, to help dogs and cats that otherwise have no access to affordable, or in many cases, any veterinary care. Animals are vaccinated, health checked, spayed or neutered and returned to their home and the lifestyle they enjoy. Moo is now about seven years old and was part of the program many years ago. She has lived happily in her community, always excited to see the SCARS vehicle, because she knows they bring treats.
Moo and another dog were having a disagreement and challenging each other (this was out of character for both dogs). They unfortunately ran into the road and were hit by a vehicle. The other dog suffered an injury to her face and ear. Unfortunately for Moo, her condition is more serious with fractures and an eye that will need to be removed along with significant road rash. SCARS responds to emergencies in communities we work with through the SNR program. The goal is to continue to promote the advantages of spaying and neutering to help manage the animal population for the safety of humans and animals alike. If you would like to support our SNR Program, we welcome donations!