January 3, 2024

Update from Storm (formerly Missy):

My follow up X-rays were sent to the amazing surgeon consulting on my case. The news we got was outstanding! My surgeon says my paw/leg looks better than he would have ever imagined!❤️🎉 I have been so happy to be able to play and run, with my two foster siblings all around the house and backyard! I get to explore and be a puppy again! I’m about 5 months old now and about 40 lbs. I love other dogs male and female; I have both in my foster home and we play constantly and then we nap, I always gotta snuggle with one of them!


September 21, 2023

Meet Missy. She is one of our emergency intakes associated with our raffles! Missy is just one of the reasons why raffles like Chase the Ace are so important. She came to us with a growth plate fracture that is too healed to help with surgery right now. The veterinary team gave her a padded bandage to support the leg. We will take her for x-rays every 6-8 weeks to assess progress. Please keep her in your thoughts. Every ticket sold means we can help more animals who come into care as emergencies.