These two beautiful sisters are Minnie and Mouse and they’re lucky to be alive. They contracted parvovirus, an extremely contagious and often deadly virus that attacks unvaccinated dogs. SCARS took them into care from the pound in Red Earth and immediately took them to Westlock Vet Clinic because puppies are especially vulnerable.

If left untreated, a large percentage die. Symptoms include extreme vomiting, explosive diarrhea, dehydration, fever, lack of energy, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

Minnie and Mouse received an aggressive treatment of IV fluids and antibiotics and were recently healthy enough to move to a foster home. If everything goes well, they’ll be available for adoption in a few weeks.

Unfortunately, for every animal SCARS rescues there are dozens left behind. We would like to help them all, but lack of money is often a huge factor.

Just last month alone, the combined vet bills were over $29,000.00 at one office!

If you’d like to be a part of this amazing effort, please donate to SCARS and share this post.

It’s because of wonderful people just like you that Minnie and Mouse are alive today.

Please help us, help more animals in need.

UPDATE: We are now recovering and ready for adoption! Go to Minnie and Mouse!