We started as a foster home with SCARS in 2014 and were fortunate enough to foster 12 beautiful dogs. It was truly a rewarding and enjoyable experience and we would highly recommend fostering to anyone contemplating it.

In 2015, we adopted our eighth foster dog, not because we didn’t love the other foster dogs but the timing just was right (we became empty nesters). We named him Merlin. He has brought tremendous joy to us and he turned out to be a great companion to the foster dogs. With the kids out of the house and Troy and I both working full-time, we did not have time to foster anymore. Consequently Merlin would spend a lot of time on his own; it was time to get him a buddy.

We knew we wanted to adopt from SCARS and we also wanted to adopt a more “difficult to adopt” dog. We both fell in love with Taga (now Lola), her picture and story grabbed our attention. Lola was rescued from a northern community along with numerous other dogs (hoarder situation). Lola is a nervous dog but she has made great strides. She loves Merlin and the two are inseparable. Lola is a perfect buddy for Merlin as Merlin can be quite a jealous dog especially if another dog shows us attention. Since Lola is not one of those dogs that always needs to be near her people it works perfectly for us. We get great pleasure having Lola in our lives and seeing her get more comfortable in her new home is just a joy.

Troy and Suzanne Sumner

Here are some pictures of our dogs Merlin (brown and white) and Lola (black).