I have now been adopted! Check out my Look at Me Now story!
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*August 15 McMfly update*
You all know me as the pup that was attacked by dogs and was found by SCARS covered in flies and Maggots. I’m so happy to be alive and thriving! All of my wounds aren’t completely healed but are doing well. I’m still on medication and have to have them cleaned throughout the day. Foster mom says I am an awesome boy letting her do that. Now that I’m feeling better, I’m acting like a pup. I love hanging out in the yard.I am about 4 months old, and LARGE already. They think I have a mix of Pyrenees crossed with something else super big. I am a puppy and will need time for training! I won’t do well if you’re gone long hours of the day, as I am a puppy and need you to help to teach me how to fit into my big paws.
*August 8 McFly Update*
Hi! McFly here! I am doing pretty good with my new foster mom, although she made me go to the vet today to get neutered! I didn’t think that was so nice but she reassured me I was a good boy & spoiled me with treats after.
They shaved off all the scabbed and dead skin – and I feel like a MILLION bucks! One of the deeper wounds has a drain until Monday which is annoying me! They felt a lump on my neck which was a bit infected & the doctor gave my mom some more medicine for me. She tells me it’ll help me feel big and strong soon. I told them I didn’t want a cone but they really needed to put one on me… Too many things to lick and scratch! ????
Alright – now time for a relaxing day today. No vet appointments & snuggles with foster mum! I’ll update you all soon!
July 30 – It truly is incredible the power of love over 24 hours. McFly is much happier this morning! We have cleaned his wounds again and gave him some food which he scarfed down! He is ready to move from emergency vet care into a foster home. We are so thankful for all the donations, kind words and support.
July 29 – McFly is a young dog that had been attacked by a group of bigger dogs. What looks like dirt covering him is actually flies and maggots. We didn’t know how long he had been like this before we rushed him to veterinary care. He had some deep wounds and if you look carefully — you can see the maggots. ????
Veterinary update: the wound is around the whole neck and there are 10-15 puncture wounds in a state of decay. The stages of the maggots under the neck skin indicate these wounds are for sure 4-5 days old. The vet is concerned about the viability of the underlining neck tissue. McFly has had flushing of the wounds with peroxide to the kill maggots along with medication. He is also on an antibiotic IV with lots of pain meds.
The vet is hoping that he starts to eat soon. This sweet boy wagged his tail when he woke up from the treatment. He is friendly and safe now.
Thanks for all the kind messages, words of support, and love.  If you can, please donate toward his care.