The “Survivors”! Meet Maven, Miriam and Marina. This mother and her two pups are very lucky to be here. Maven originally had eight puppies but six of them vanished before we were able to help.
Maven is terribly malnourished. Her two pups, Miriam and Marina, are even more malnourished & full of worms! Marina is half the size of her sister Miriam and can’t be more than a pound in weight. What is most concerning is her eyes. After a vet visit we confirmed that she will have to have one eye removed and possibly the other.

Nov. 9 update on Miriam and Marina.
What a difference vet care, good food and a comfy warm bed make! When Marina arrived she was in dire need of care. The vet thought she would loose vision in both eyes but since then the eye that was the worst is doing much better. Marina was 2.5 lbs when she arrived a week ago and has gained almost a pound! As you can see by comparison, her sister Miriam is double the size of her. These two sisters and mom, Maven, are survivors.

December 26 update… It’s been a long journey for these two survivors. They were the only two survivors of a litter of 9 that came in with their mom. Marina who was originally less then half the size of her sister Miriam has almost caught up to her. When she first arrived she was 2 lbs of skin and bones and had an injured eye we were sure was not going to be saved. With A LOT of small meals, sleep and continuous care they are both thriving. A huge heartfelt thank you to all our supporters who make it possible to save these precious lives everyday.