I’m Maurice and I was hit by a car. A wonderful lady found me and brought me to the vet where SCARS stepped in. I suffered from a hernia and a very nearly broken hip with other soft tissue damage. I couldn’t use either of my back legs when I arrived and stayed at the vet longer as I was expected.

I’m a fighter though, and started using first my good back leg and eventually my bad back leg to the point that I get to keep it! I am still working on recovering my lost muscle, but my foster parents have seen improvement since arriving with them a short time ago. I will probably always walk a little funny though. When I arrived with them I couldn’t jump at all and didn’t run, at least very well. Now I can jump a small height (and usually crawl up the rest of the way, my shoulders are strong!) and can play a lot easier!

I’m still young, about a year old, so like to play and LOVE to cuddle. My people are my priority, I sleep on the pillow by my foster moms head, that’s how close I want to be. I get along with the other cats as well.

My vet bills costed SCARS $1472.48. I am so thankful they found me and gave me a Second Chance at life.