Hello SCARS, Manuka was adopted thru PARS/SCARS (November 2007 to March 16-2021). I remember the day like it was yesterday… seeing Manuka for the first time at an adoption event. Terra (PARS at the time) was fostering Manuka (aka, Maluka). Manuka was about 1 1/2 years young. She filled our hearts with such joy as soon as we saw her. She has filled her family’s hearts with such joy and happiness every single minute of every single day since.
Manuka was our fastest runner, our biggest goofball, sweetest, gentlest… she loved to run, and every bit of water she found, it was to leap into, splash about, such joy to be had in the simplest things. Manuka was diagnosed with lower spinal degeneration two years ago. Every few weeks she received manual therapy, herbals etc., that helped her live pain free and mobile. She loved her integrative Veterinarian.
Manuka was alert, sharp as a whip and always had a hearty appetite right up until the last 24 hours. I remember the adoption bio on Manuka (and Terra’s verbal at adoption event). Part of it was that Manuka is very smart, sometimes too smart for her own good and has some quirks. She had been returned from what we knew. Terra knew our Manuka inside/out, right to a tee. Manuka wore her Salamander collar all these years, after handing it to Terra to put on her when we picked her up. I always remember that, Terra was/is incredible!
Manuka meant the world to her family, she was perfect in every possible way. We miss our Manuka beyond measure. I smell her collar, her bed, her blanket…talk to her a lot…she is watching over her family now. She’ll always be with us. Thank you SCARS for all you do.