Hello SCARS, I just wanted to give an update on how Pamela (now Luna) is doing. I also need to give a call out to her foster mom who insisted on a meet’n’greet — best decision I ever made. Since bringing Luna home in February of 2018, she’s gone from a shy girl, scared to go outside to a happy, young pup who loves going for walks and playing tug-of-war. Luna’s gone to puppy class and learned how to be polite even through she still needs to understand that jumping is a no-no. (Her owners are not trampolines!). Luna loved learning agility and will now happily run through tunnels, jump through a tire and run over the dog walk. Since getting my girl from SCARS she’s brought so much joy to my life.
I’d like to extend a big thank you to SCARS and all its volunteers. Thanks to your organization Luna is a part of my family and I couldn’t be happier! I’ve attached some photos of my happy girl with the family. Thanks again for bringing Luna into my life.