Hi, I’m Logan and I’m itching to find my forever home. That’s a good kind of itching.  The other kind of itching, like I had when I was rescued, was no fun at all. I looked so bad that people thought I had mange.
The vet found I had a heavy infestation of chewing lice. And let me tell you, they’re awful!!! Regular lice are a walk in the park by comparison.  My belly and “armpits” were the worst – all scaly and peeling. SO itchy. I was crawling out of my skin and so uncomfortable. I received some Revolution treatments to kill the lice as they hatched. Take that you suckers!! Well chewers actually. My foster mom is busy helping me feel and look better.
I’m a super friendly and engaging guy, about 9 weeks old. I think that there are a few applications on me already, but SCARS wanted to give me a chance to tell you my story. And show you how cute I am!