Exhausted. Exhausted from the endless search for food. Exhausted from trying to help my almost year old pups survive. Exhausted from the pain of advanced Glaucoma. With no reserves left and desperate for food I tackled a porcupine….. and that was too much I thought it was the end.
But someone was watching over me. Someone from SCARS answered the call. He was so nice and calm and gentle. A very late night drive. He brought me and the pups to the safety of the vet clinic. The on call vet, she too was wonderful. Soothing and gentle, she gave me my name. Lizzy she said, your name is now Lizzy. With pain medication and careful hands the quills were removed.
Nothing immediately, except for pain management, could be done for my eye with glaucoma. I am scheduled for surgery to have the eye removed, to stop the crushing pain.
I am sweet and shy. I am soaking up the care and the amazing food. I am safe for the first time that I remember.
Thank you everyone who cares. Everyone who saves the life of a nameless, homeless dog matters. That I have value, that I have worth. Thank you.

August 13 update:
5 days after my rescue.
5 days of care.
5 days of treatment.
5 days of sweet wonderful food.
Lizzy here and it seems like a lifetime ago, not less than a week, but here I am. My eye surgery is complete, there was no way to save it, but the pain level has dropped dramatically. It has been discovered that I have a dislocated elbow. I am on cage rest to give it a chance to heal. The worst case scenario would be amputation but my vet team indicates cage rest is often successful. And let’s face it i am not going to argue about taking things easy for awhile. I still have quills migrating out of my skin but that is to be expected. I am very sweet and loving towards you humans. I quite love attention and pets. I hear my foster home is waiting with anticipation for my arrival. I am looking forward to meeting them as well, I have a lot of recovery ahead of me. I will let you know how it goes.

Aug 18 update: Hey SCARS Family… Lizzy here.Wow, life has certainly changed for me. I went to my foster family on Thursday last week, I was a bit nervous at first but they talked to softly to me, and were so gentle with me. They even made a little recovery room just for me, I have never had my own space before. I was very unsure of the cat at first, I told him to back off, there was also a puppy, he was my size, he was a little pushy but my foster family made sure he couldn’t get into my space. The first night everyone took shifts sitting with me, helping me feel more comfortable. I finally closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, I knew I was safe.
Each day I got a little more comfortable and stronger. I have to stay in my space for now though, so I can get lots of rest and focus on getting better. Everyone comes to see me lots. The resident girls lay with me and hug me, I feel so safe and warm in their arms. I still have have quills coming out of my face, foster dad is very careful when he pulls them out.
My favourite time is meal time, Foster mom brings me the yummiest meals, she even adds special vitamins in for me to get stronger. I get really excited, it’s hard to sit still, it smells so yummy I can’t help but jump. But my elbow was really hurting, so foster mom said I need to be careful. It’s so nice to have yummy food, it makes me feel good.
I have a long road ahead that’s for sure, but each day I’m feeling a little bit better. My cone can come off August 24th, so I will check back in a couple weeks, after life without a cone.
To donate directly to me (LIZZY) and my medical care please go to www.scarscare.ca/donate
Wags for now.
*I am not yet available for adoption*”

August 27! Hey SCARS Family – it’s me Lizzy!! Well… it’s been almost 2 weeks since I arrived at my foster family’s house. Foster mom said I’m all done my medication and she finally took that giant circle thing off my head. I think she called it a cone. I call it annoying. I know it was what’s best for me, but I’m so glad it’s off. It’s amazing and I feel free! Now I can scratch and lick again. My limp isn’t going away, I’m not sure what that means quite yet. But I’m not going to worry about it, I know what ever they do, they will do what’s best for me. I feel much stronger, when I first came into SCARS I weighed about 30lbs, just over a week and a bit later I weigh 43lbs … pretty good eh? It must have something to do with all the yummy meals I get. The first meal of the day is my favourite, foster mom turns my light on, smiles, gives me lots of pets and has my breakfast ready for me. She makes me feel so special. There is always something extra special in my breakfast.
After I got my giant circle off my head, foster mom said the “B” word… I needed to have a bath, they put me in a giant white bowl, and washed me. I don’t remember the last time I felt like this. The water was black, I guess I was pretty dirty. Probably didn’t smell very good either. I smell so good, and I feel incredible! I have been coming out of my recovery space every day and sitting in the family room with everyone, I get pretty excited and want to walk around, but I still have to take it easy. When I got here my spirit was broken, I didn’t think anyone would ever want me, but SCARS and my foster family showed me that my life matters, and gave me a second chance, now I feel full of life, and love and can’t wait to see what my future holds. Unfortunately I’ve been having some complications with my “good eye”. Lots of quills coming out and I am on medication for it too. I have a vet checkup on Tuesday at our friends at Westlock Veterinary Center! If I didn’t say it before, thank you SCARS for finding me, saving me and giving me a new life, I will never forget what you did for me. Love Lizzy