One dedicated rescuer, two days, two dogs, two different areas of the province – eerily similar symptoms. We will start with Lizzie’s story.

Lizzie came from a SCARS intake community,  a sweet and happy shepherd, well known to our volunteers involved in community outreach. She had the basic necessities for life, but was always overjoyed when SCARS volunteers stopped for a visit. Lizzie’s health took a dramatic turn last week – clearly in pain and unable or unwilling to walk. A concerned family member called asking for assistance.  With no veterinary services in the area and limited income the family was unable to provide the care Lizzie needed.

SCARS passionately believes in helping animals and communities to improve quality of life. Despite the overwhelming numbers of animals in our care, despite the exhaustion of our volunteers, despite the low balance in the bank account, Lizzie was welcomed into the SCARS family with compassion and hope.

Her immediate transfer to one of our veterinary partners resulted in an inconclusive diagnosis. No obvious trauma, no clear indicators from any diagnostic tests as to the source of the pain and why she could not walk. She needed further tests at a specialist.

We hope the best for every animal in our care, we value their lives and their spirits. For Lizzie the SCARS journey was a short one. Specialized diagnostics revealed a tumor on her spine, inoperable, incurable. There was one choice, let her go, let the pain end.

Devastating news to our team, only slightly lessened by knowing we did everything we could. Rest easy Lizzie, Peace be with you.

There is no pause in animal rescue for our front line volunteers. Within 24 hours SCARS would receive another call asking for assistance for a young and healthy dog, suddenly unable to walk. His name is Blackie (follow the link to read his story).

As always our team needs your support, please find it in your heart to open your home and adopt your forever friend. Please donate – financial assistance means everything to our frontline workers who see the suffering and the need of animals each day.