Hello SCARS, I wanted to give you an update on Leia (Aruba). After losing my dog last summer,  my cat Artoo was very lonely. I decided to help him by finding him a new pal. I adopted Leia back in the fall and she has been the sweetest and quirkiest kitty ever since.

Leia And Artoo are the best of friends. You can often find them stalking and chasing each other around the house, basking in the sun in their “catio” or cuddling up on their cat tree.  Leia’s morning and bedtime cuddles are both the best as well as awkward. She is learning to cuddle up on the pillow rather than sitting on your head to cuddle. Leia also has the sweetest loud purrs and enjoys licking and gently biting your fingers during cuddle time.  Leia has definitely made a home in my heart. I truly needed that after my dog passed. We are a furry happy family. Thank you SCARS, not only for introducing Leia into my life, but for all you do for so many animals in need!