Thank you to Lauren Kreulak, a young student who inspired us with her donation and school project about puppy mills. As part of the project, she talked to some of her neighours about puppy mills and also told them about SCARS. They were so touched by her project that some of them offered to donate to SCARS.

During a recent presentation to the YMCA Out of School care program at Hilwie Hamdon, our public presentation coordinator, Linda Walton-Pluim, heard about the project and received the donation from Lauren.


Note: Puppy mills are inhumane high-volume breeding facilities that put profit above welfare. Humane Canada estimates there are thousands of active inhumane breeders across Canada. Life in a small, cramped cage with poor sanitation and no love or attention – is no life at all. We need to curb the demand to put a halt on the supply. Learn more here.