Hi SCARS, This is a photo of my gorgeous girl, Laila, who I adopted from you back February of 2010.
Laila (formerly Mercedes) had a terrible start to life and was rescued, along with her mother and siblings in a garbage dump up north ????. She and some of her siblings developed Parvo and some died, but Laila survived!
At the age of five, she was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia and I was told she most likely wouldn’t make it to eight years old. At eight years old, she was diagnosed with neuropathy which caused her to wobble when walking (though painless). She was on many meds, but she was so happy and loved and enjoyed all her years together with me and her “pack” (we had 5 dogs at one time).
Sadly, I had to say goodbye to my girl on October 4th. She could hardly walk anymore. She fell off the ramp my husband built her to get up the steps and that was it ????. I miss her terribly, but I am so grateful to have had her in my life as long as I did… she would have been 10 on December 1st. Thank you for bringing her into my life ❤.