Jan. 19, 2021 – Hello SCARS, Teddy (formerly McFly) has really blossomed over the last several months. When we first adopted him, he was just the sweetest boy (a big teddy bear!) but had lots of fears, understandably. He used to be very afraid of other dogs, but now months later after working with some great trainers and carefully arranging play dates, Teddy is sure that every other dog is his best friend! It’s an amazing change to have been able to witness.

Teddy loves his toys. It’s not uncommon to find him sprawled out on his back, toy in mouth waiting for a tummy rub. He loves the other “puppies” (our kiddos) and always wants to be near them. He is a gentle giant. He is so full of personality and joy, you would never know of the challenges he faced early on in his life. We are so grateful that Teddy joined our family, and look forward to our lifetime of love and memories together.

Aug. 27, 2020 – Hello SCARS, Just wanted to give a quick update on McFly, now Teddy. He really is a BIG teddy bear. He’s come out of his shell so much already in the short time he’s been in our family. He’s learning very quickly being on lead, manners and best of all we had our first puppy play date yesterday and he was awesome after he got over some initial hesitation. We look forward to watching him grow – not only to see how big he actually gets lol (we’ve never seen paws so big on a pup before ) – but also as he adjusts further to all the new things he’s experiencing. Thank you SCARS for saving this beautiful soul, our home feels complete again. It’s hard to get him still for long enough to take a good picture but he’s looking healthy as can be!

Click here to read his rescue story!