Hello! We adopted King last August. As you can see he is right at home and his best friend is our cat, Sappho. It took him awhile to overcome some separation anxiety. A chewed up couch and ottoman, door frame and bannister, but he got over it and we can now leave him a few hours knowing we won’t come back to destruction. We kept trying the kennel, but it seemed to cause even more problems like explosive diarrhea!

Our old dog never took to him, but King treats Taisho with respect. He gently greets Taisho and then leaves him alone. We take King to daycare and they tell us he is a real gentleman. All the staff love him.

Walks were a challenge with his pulling, but he has now settled into a good heel (unless there’s an opportunity to play with another dog, in which case we are still trying to teach him some manners!)

I know many dogs go through your doors and it would be difficult to keep track, but I want you to know he is a lovely boy and a very loving boy. Thank you for rescuing him and allowing us to give him is forever home. Thank you for all the good work you do.

With great respect,

Tracy Balash