Hi SCARS! I love seeing all of the “Look at Me Now” updates so I thought I would send you one of my own. A year ago we adopted Kepler (formerly Hazel). And it was one of the best decisions we ever made. She matches our life perfectly. When it is time for a lazy Sunday she is content to lay in the shade, though she may try to get you to throw the ball a couple of times. She even lets us sleep in on weekends. And when it is time for a 4 hour hike, she is all in, ready to go and has boundless energy. She’s a fantastic road trip and camping dog, has recently discovered the joy of swimming and can literally play fetch for hours. She makes us smile everyday. Though we do still have some issues with other dogs, Kepler is making progress in that area and she has been wonderful with our friends’ children. We really couldn’t ask for a better dog. In the next year we hope to try out a few new things with Kepler like obedience class leading into agility training and maybe even paddle boarding. We are so glad you found her and that you allowed us to adopt her.
Kaelynn Cooper