August 6, 2023 Update

Penny the Athabasca dog that had hid from being caught for weeks is doing great! Besides being emaciated at the time, she is slowly gaining weight. We can’t understand why she was dumped because she is such a sweet girl and we enjoy caring for her!

July 26, 2023

After weeks of trying to humanely trap a stray dog in Athabasca County … success at last! Penny was a starving stray that had recently had puppies. We don’t know how she came to be on her own or what happened to her puppies, but she is now safe in our care. Dogs like Penny are worth our compassion and should not be left behind.

What happened to Ken (shown below) is happening more often and it’s very sad. This young dog sat at a stop sign for two days until a nice lady grew tired of seeing him and decided to pick him up and contact SCARS. We are grateful for her kindness. It’s very clear by the video she took that he had a broken leg. But his x-rays revealed even more damage. He had been shot in two legs and his back, and then just left to fend for himself. SCARS is currently over capacity, but we couldn’t say no to this dog. We couldn’t leave him to suffer. He deserves to have people care about him. He was transferred to Guardian Veterinary Centre. We will update on his recovery soon.