How can I help you say Goodbye?
It’s okay to hurt and it’s okay to cry.
How can I help you say Goodbye?

She was such a joy, full of personality and full of sparkle. Born with a congenital defect in her spine and her digestive system, Darla struggled from the start. As she grew, her problems only multiplied.

As with every animal in our care, SCARS did everything we could to make her well. We knew there was no cure for her condition, but we hoped we could help her manage and give her a good quality of life. It was a constant struggle. She did not thrive in foster homes so although she spent her life in SCARS care most of that time was spent with the staff at the Westlock Veterinary Center, which became her home.

Although not a conventional home and family, she loved being there as much as they loved her and was definitely happy. On her good days she played and snuggled and entertained. On her bad days she dealt with extreme pain. As her issues multiplied and her quality of life deteriorated we knew her journey was at its end. Her time here was over and we so sadly said goodbye.

Darla’s bright light shone only a short while. We know we did everything we possibly could for her, but the decision to let her go was heartbreakingly difficult.