It takes a village to rescue animals! The heartbeat of SCARS is the generous donors who contribute and the amazing volunteers who provide the support between rescue and adoption. In addition to cash donations, SCARS receives donations of food, linens, grooming supplies, crates, kennels, beds, toys, etc. at our numerous drop-off locations in the Edmonton area.
Last week we had two large donations from the 19th Sherwood Park Girl Guides and the 41st Edmonton Brownies. These young ladies chose SCARS for their annual community service work. The Brownies organized a donation drive for us and the Girl Guides collected donations along with putting their hard work and talents towards making beds and tug toys. We are so grateful for these groups’ donation and their community spirit.
SCARS volunteers did spring cleaning last weekend to add these and other community donations to our storage locker. A big Thank You to IKEA Edmonton who provided us with new, size appropriate plastic bins to dramatically improve our space utilization! It takes a village!