Hi all, this is Gracie (formerly known as Daisy Doodle) with an update on the last year and a half.
I came to SCARS after being found in a rural area in pretty ruff shape and then having surgery on a diaphragmatic hernia at Guardian (thank you to those who covered my tab at the vet!). I recovered well from that during my time with my foster family in Beaumont, and moved to the Big City in June of 2018.

My person and I bumped along for a while working on some transitional issues, but we are in the swing of things now and enjoy going for our walks (I’m still working on not pulling her along, but she says I’m getting better) and just hanging out together. By far my fav thing to do is snack – nom nom!

I have a good team supporting me, including my grand-persons and everyone at Terwillegar Vet.

A million good woofs to SCARS for helping me out in my time of need, and for all the dedicated work you do everyday to help others like me.
I’ve attached a few pix of me so you can see how much I’ve grown (which was a surprise to my person). You’ll see that in one picture I am drinking from a Gator Aid bottle; this is because my tongue doesn’t reach the end of my snout very well and I have a hard time drinking.