Hello, SCARS! Look at me now! My name was and remains Girlie! I am the very wise, distinguished, street smart not to mention beautiful 7-year-old senior citizen black lab/great Dane cross who has a family of four that loves me unconditionally! I am now being fed a variety of raw meats which I love and have experienced so many new and fun things such as boating, swimming, camping, hiking and farming. My family very much appreciates my willingness to try anything even if it pushes me out of my comfort zone. I’m happy to do it so I can have more hang out time with them. They also love how I look both ways before crossing the road or move to the side of the road when I hear a car coming when I am being walked. My new family is happy to have quality of time vs quantity of time given my age and find that we are all very compatible with all of our ages. Thank you SCARS for being my steppingstone to Heaven because that is where I feel I have gone! Love Girlie