This is a long overdue email of gratitude for my sweet rescue. In 2017, I contacted SCARS about getting a dog. They matched me with a dog who had recently been apprehended. She was being fostered in Fort Saskatchewan, had puppies, and was in terrible shape. It was a cold January day when I saw her named Gypsy.
The fosters brought her back to health, weaned the puppies, and in March I went back to pick her up.
I changed her name to Gibson – and she has been living her best life since. I retired from EPSB in 2020, and moved to Texas in 2021, and opened up a B&B on Eagle Mountain Lake, 25 min from Fort Worth, and named it The Virginia May. She and I did two driving trips down to Texas from Alberta, 2400 miles one way each time.
Gibson is now almost 9, and shows no signs of stopping. She is a staple here at the B&B, and is loved by all the guests. Many write in the guest book about her. She is a love and totally spoiled. She enjoys the warm weather, and has a half acre to roam. We walk a mile each morning, which is her favourite part of her day. She loves chasing the deer, so she is always on a leash outside of the property. lol! Lesson learned.
She is starting to show some grey, and that makes me sad as I know our loves are not forever. She has been super healthy and happy.
You do such great work- and I am forever grateful for my sweet best friend.
Here are some pics: (the first one is her guarding the sourdough starter- lol!)