Hello SCARS, Early in August of 2021, you had an adoption event at Hainstock in the parking lot. As I had applied to adopt (Fox) and had already adopted in the past, I was told to come early to meet him. Your volunteers were so excited to have me and assist in my meeting with (Fox). It was obvious that we were meant for each other from the second we met.  I brought him home that day and our bond was instant — no hiding, no adjustments — it was like we had always been together.  Just pure camaraderie, fraternity, and lots and lots of love. I knew that I would love him and hug him and squeeze him forever so there was no doubt at all that his name is George.

As someone who had just been surrendered himself after a 20-year marriage, I was alone in a new home that had me feeling isolated, exiled and deeply depressed. George bit by bit has pulled me up and out of that terrible sadness with the most amazing love friendship and humour. George and I would go for walks through the neighborhood and people would stop and Marvel at the cat who goes for walks like a dog. He is incredibly social and friendly with all visitors, and he loves to love. He is a conversationalist, and he will discuss anything with you at great length as long as you wish to talk. He is most likely at least part Siberian or Norwegian forest cat as his climbing skills are astounding and desire to be in trees on fences or on my garage roof happens daily throughout the warm months. This is not a problem as he always comes to me when I call, and he loves to have me pick him up and carry him.

My neighbor’s daughter a three-year-old girl is deeply in love with George, and I believe that they will become a crime fighting duo in the very near future.

I tell people you’ve never met a cat like George and when they do meet him, they all comment you are absolutely correct I have never met a cat like George.

Thank you from the center of my soul for all your hard work, long hours, and dedication to these beautiful animals.

Love and respect to all of you at SCARS