March 15, 2023 Update

We are very sad to report that we lost the battle to save little Gem this morning. This strain of parvo virus lately has been extremely resistant to any treatment.
We work with such an amazing team of vets that try every treatment possible. Sometimes no matter what you do it simply does not work. This is the second pup this week we have lost to the nasty virus. Please vaccinate your pets.

March 9, 2023

Meet Gem, she is a very sweet but shy 10 week old puppy. People witnessed her being tossed out of a vehicle by a gas station (this has been reported to local authorities). She is very sick and currently receiving veterinary care for severe dehydration, fleas, and lice. She also has bloody diarrhea. She’s currently tested negative for Parvo but that could change at any time. Please keep her in your thoughts during this time.