Hi Everyone, Dixie (Speck) signing in to let you know how I am doing.

I was adopted at the beginning of March from my foster parents, Patricia and Cameron.

My Mom, Linda, says that I am a treasure so does my Dad but he is not as vocal as Mom.

I am a big girl and getting bigger, 62 lbs. as of Wednesday, May 20th when I went to the vet for a check-up and only 5 months old. My weight has doubled.

Dad, Walter, takes me for a walk every morning and at night, Mom takes me for a walk. Mom says that I learn quickly and am now trying to take her for a walk. She laughs as she says it is a battle of the wills. Oh , yes, I have a sister also, Millie cat, who walks with us as well. It took us a while to get used to each other but as the days go by we are friends.

I live at the lake and love it here as I have lots of room to run around and play.

Dad does not like my digging and I am getting better at listening to him. It’s just that I watch him in the yard and he is digging so I have to show him that I am learning from him!!

Both my Mum and Dad love me and I love them as there is always plenty of kisses going back and forth. Yes, I am spoiled but have to know what is right and wrong. I’m only a baby and will get it, with their training.

Well, I could write a book but will save some stories for the next update

I hope all my dog friends get adopted to good homes.

A special “Hello” and thank you, to my Foster parents, Patricia and Cameron

Lots of Love to all, as that is who I am!

Dixie (Speck)