July 30, 2022… Meet Dior! Hi, I’m part of the Luxury litter. One of seven adorable, bottle-fed pups. Our story is a sad one. Our momma passed away when we were only ten days old, but luckily SCARS took us in and gave us to our now foster family to raise into the big, strong, cuddly puppies that we are today. Since we were bottle-fed we’re very clingy to humans. Humans are THE BEST and we’re not shy about meeting every human we come across. We also LOVE other dogs – the more doggie friends the better. Since we love humans so much, we want to be snuggled and on your lap – all the time. It’s cute now, but at we likely will be LARGE as adults. We nibble and suckle on fingers and clothing a bit, we may or may not grow out of that, it comes with us being bottle babies. If you have room in your home and in your heart for one of us gentle giants, then hit the application button and come on over for a visit. ➡️ https://adopt.scarscare.ca/view-animal/?scars_id=55690521