January 12, 2023 Update
Dickie had to be sedated to get to the vet, but we are sure he’s going to feel so much better now. Shockingly, he is quite healthy considering the time spent alone. He is celebrating his 15th birthday this year! He is available for adoption as well. VERY quiet home and no cats please.
January 7, 2023
Most days, I can’t believe my life turned out this way. 🐾
My journey has spanned many years. I was happy once and well loved. My owner and I shared a deep bond. Then she got sick. She said it would only be a short time and she would be back. She arranged for a kindly neighbour to check on me and provide the essentials of life. True to their word they did, I have always had the basics.
I was terrified without her, but I waited for her return. Days turned to weeks. Weeks became months. Then, somehow, the months turned into years. With assistance, she visited me once. I ran to her. I was so happy. But it was not to be a happy ending, for she returned to long-term care. The two of us only had each other. We were our only family. Very recently, her circumstances changed again. The Public Trustee became her guardian and mine, too. Those nice people knew I required more care and love. They contacted many rescues and humane societies. No one would help… until they called SCARS. All you loyal supporters know that SCARS is beyond full, but they heard the tragic story of my owner and myself, and a miracle happened. They said, yes, of course we will help him.
My new foster home arrived, I am scared of everything, so the nice lady had to lure me into a humane live trap to bring me to safety. I am a senior at more than 15 years of age. My next stop is the vet clinic for a full health check, and I must now come to terms with my life. My owner, no matter how much she wanted, cannot come back to me. I must courageously accept the help SCARS has offered and learn to trust someone new. My new foster home says she will help me walk this path through grief, and it is going to be okay.
My name is Dickie, I am no longer all alone, i am a member of the SCARS family! 🐾❤️