It was a battle, literally the fight for their lives. Less than 12 hours of arriving at SCARS, Weston tested positive for Parvo. One by one they got sick and needed intensive supportive care at the vet clinic. Dempster the second to become ill, was the worst off. For days he clung to life. We feared the worst, but finally 10 days after being diagnosed he beat Parvo and was well enough to return to his foster home. Cobs had the easiest time, only 3 days at the vet and never quite as sick as his brothers.

Today was an epic day. Everyone back together and feeling well, plus it was warm enough to play out in the snow for a bit. After 17 long days of worry later, we are overjoyed to say Weston, Dempster and Cobs will soon be posted on the website and will be allowed to have meet and greets.

Our sincere thanks to the team at Westlock Vet Center.Thanks once again for the miracle you delivered for these pups.  They wouldn’t have made it without you.