November 4, 2023 Update
It is with very heavy hearts we share that we have chosen to let Davinchi go. 💔 We all had great hopes for him but his condition was declining and after consulting with specialists, our regular vets & doing everything we could possibly do for him medically. We feel we made the most kind decision for him. He was a kind soul and so forgiving of his cruel life. He enjoyed hugs from staff and volunteers and gave kisses in return. Though he was only with us a short time we will miss him dearly. 🌈💔🌈
October 28, 2023 Update
To be honest we don’t know what Davinchi’s future looks like, but we are optimistic. He’s in such bad shape. His face is painful, still had quills being pulled today at his re-check. He has a consultation with a speciality clinic on Monday. He still has no bladder or bowel control which is our biggest concern.
October 24, 2023 Update
Davinchi is on medical watch right now. He still has no function of his bowels and bladder so needs to be cleaned multiple times a day. It’s a sad story, please send good vibes. We bring him back to the vet on Friday for a follow-up.
October 20, 2023 Update
Davinchi has a great appetite – a very hungry boy! He is still very sore and painful to the touch but that is all to be expected. Our biggest concern is that he still has bladder and bowel incontinence. We are really hoping this is not permanent nerve damage. His prognosis is still unknown but for now we give it some time while consulting with veterinarians on his progress. Thank you to everyone for your kind comments, donations and well wishes for Davinchi!
October 19, 2023
We know it’s hard to see, but please do not look away from animal suffering. Our hearts are hurting every single day lately. We don’t know an easy solution to the pet over population issue we are seeing but SCARS is struggling to keep up.
Meet Davinchi. We got messages on October 18 about an animal in distress. Our team searched for him that day, but he was no where to be found. We expected the worst but hoped for the best.
Then on October 19, a fellow animal rescuer was able to locate him and bring him to our care. He was covered in feces and dirt when he arrived at the Westlock Veterinary Centre as an emergency.
This very sweet boy has overcome a lot of hurdles in his life. He had a run in with a porcupine, which we know is very dangerous for dogs. It’s very painful and sometimes deadly if left untreated. In Davinchi’s case, it was left untreated and caused several infected areas. Sadly, he had maggots in some areas of infection. He also is very thin and dehydrated, likely from having a hard time eating and drinking due to infected quills in his face and mouth. It also appears he has been attacked by other dogs or coyotes at some point too.
His most critical injury was caused by being hit by a vehicle not too long ago from what veterinary team can tell. Unfortunately, his injuries have caused him to have no bladder or bowel control.
We are hoping this damage is not permanent and with will get better with some TLC, medication and a little time.
SCARS is desperate for adoptions so we can make space for pet emergencies. If you’re unable to adopt, please consider donating. Our emergency expenses are at an all time high!