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A story from Danger Dan:

They say timing is everything and boy is that ever true when it comes to the tale of my recent life.

Let’s start with the bad timing. I seriously looked both ways when I went to cross that road. Look left… look right. I saw the vehicle coming, but I am young and I am fast, I knew I could beat it… well I thought I could beat and next thing I know, Wham! I am flying into the ditch and in a world of hurt.

Now is where all the good timing starts. I was immediately taken to the nearest vet. The news wasn’t good. There were massive lacerations on my leg and a dislocated hip and broken tibia. In hindsight, I guess I should have run faster or maybe not tried to cross that road at all.

They called the SCARS intake coordinator and despite the critically high numbers of animals already in their care, I was welcomed into the SCARS family.

That was the best timing. My future got a lot brighter in seconds. The veterinary care team at Westlock, went to work and started putting me back together. First drugs to take away the pain, then get that dislocated hip back where it belonged. With such a short time between the injury and the start of care, getting the hip back in place was an easier process and has a higher likelihood of long term success. Next the suturing began and went on and on and on. I am sporting a bit of a Frankenstein look on that leg with all those sutures, but it really is a thing of beauty. Last but not least, after a short wait to make sure I was stable enough for surgery and regaining strength, my leg was plated back together.

I am a model patient. I love my physiotherapy with the techs. I let them dress me up in hats and I am happy to cuddle with them to help them manage the stress of working in a very busy clinic.

There is just one more bit of timing to perfect – my forever home. Dan, Danger Dan is my name. I’m a 5-month-old Scotch Collie / Doberman cross guy, with impeccable timing and I will very shortly be looking for you. *Not ready for adoption just yet, please keep a keen eye when the MEDICAL HOLD gets removed off of my profile here.

The vet bills at Westlock exceeded $4000.00 for me.

The vet bills for September 2019 at just ONE of the vet clinics SCARS uses exceeded $32,000.00!
SCARS needs some help to maintain these high intakes and extreme medical cases. Please donate!