Diaphragmatic hernia. That’s a BIG term for a little girl like me, but it’s the condition that I had.

My name is Daisy and I’m happy to thank all of the people who were involved in my rescue. I was first picked up as a stray by a bylaw officer who noticed that my breathing was abnormal, so I was taken to the Lloydminster Animal Hospital where I spent the night. The vets there were also worried about my condition and were quick to take x-rays. X-rays showed that I had a diaphragmatic hernia. It could have been congenital or trauma based. No one will know and it’s really not important at this point.

Long story short, SCARS was called. They sent a driver for me. The driver took me to Guardian Vet. The Guardian Vets were sufficiently concerned about me that they did surgery right away. Three days later, I was in the loving arms of my foster family.

Wow!!! Crazy story, right? I have some recuperating to do but I’m sure that I’ll bounce back better than ever. My foster mom already thinks I’m the best! If you want to pet me all day – I’m good with that. My waggy tail will encourage you to continue. I’ve been friendly with everyone, good with the cat and resident dog. I’m young, smallish at 7.5 kgs and just an all-around happy girl.

If you would like to be on my list of people to thank for my rescue, maybe you would consider donating towards the cost of my surgery. It takes a village to save a dog ( or something like that )

Donations will be gratefully accepted!