Whoopsie, I broke my leg! I am just a pup and didn’t know running around moving things was dangerous and a peddle bike fell on me. Now I guess I need something called money to pay the doctor so I can feel better. I don’t even know what that is so I am glad SCARS found me….and brought me to the Lloydminster Animal Hospital. The people from vet clinic say I have a fractured tibia, but that I’m really lucky because I have a clean break, and since I’m still a puppy it can heal with a splint. They say I need a splint for 6-8 weeks, which is a reallyyy long time for a young guy like me. But I’m going to try to be patient! While I wait for my leg to heal, I also need to be treated for something the doctors call ‘juvenile onset demodex’. I think it just means I have mites because I keep wanting to scratching my skin. I can’t wait until I’m a healthy guy again so I can play all the time, but in the meantime let’s cuddle!

Oh, wait, I just wanted to thank all the nice people from SCARS and the Lloydminster Animal Hospital, and all the people who support them. Thank you guys!