March 10, 2023 – Update
Chopper’s foster mom has been providing around the clock care for him, and he is responding so well. Eating, snuggling, and snoozing. Today, he leaves SCARS care and heads to SNARL in Calgary to start the next part of his rescue journey. It is impossible not to love this wee one. With love and hope, we will send him off to grow and get the treatment he will need. Best wishes, Chopper. we believe you’ve got this, little buddy. 💕
March 8, 2023 – Warning: Graphic Images Ahead
Join us as we take the rollercoaster ride of emotions intaking animals at a rescue.
🥇First, the call. We have found a puppy, and it is injured. Can you help us? Our SCARS volunteer starts asking questions. What is the injury? How old? Where is it at? What does it look like?
❄️ Then the picture. Oh dear! There are no words! The brutal viciousness of what a cold Alberta winter can do to a pup.
🆘 Next, the chilling reality of the horrible situation. A few weeks old. Clearly frozen hind legs and tail. Nothing we have ever seen before. Despair in our hearts, is this even survivable?
🚑 Take action! We can’t let the enormity of the situation paralyze us. We must act. We can not betray this little one in need. Persevere through our despair and fear.
Call our vets. Ask the hard questions. Hear the recommendations. Feel the hopelessness. Call our contacts in the rescue world. Any advice?
Suddenly, a glimmer of hope. There IS a group, Special Needs Animal Rescue League, or SNARL. They take the most injured and rehabilitate them. It is a ways away in Calgary, but with our hearts pounding, we make the call.
Out of despair, hope rises. Yes, they will give him a chance. If we can get him there, he will get a chance. 💕
What now? He needs care until we can make the trip. Out goes the call to our foster homes. Emergency: We need a foster to provide round-the-clock care to bottle feed this baby and keep him safe and alive until we can get him to the other rescue and the specialists. We don’t wait long. Those angels who walk among us called foster homes step forward within minutes. Multiple offers to drop everything and help.
Drivers mobilize and head out for pick up. Donations organize puppy milk and supplies. Our little one stops at that vet and then heads safe to the arms of love of our foster home.
Will it be a happy ending? We don’t know. What we know as our ride on this rollercoaster comes to a close today, Chopper has a chance, his Second Chance.
All because of people who every day bring their best to speak for those who can not speak for themselves. Chopper will be going to SNARL on Friday. Thanks for the continued support. 🐾