Hi SCARS, Just wanted to send a little update on Chief. We adopted him about six months ago in November during senior month. He is the perfect fit for our family and he seems to be enjoying his new life with us. For being a senior dog (about 10 years old) he has lots of energy and love to give. From morning jogs with my husband and our other dog to evening walks with the entire family and of course lots of snuggles. He is our cuddle bug with whoever will allow him.  We are so fortunate we found him as our life wouldn’t be the same without him. He has done so well with our 5-year-old son and in seven weeks will have a little girl to protect as well. Thank you for all you and the other volunteers/ staff for all you do, you all are amazing!

Our handsome chief, he has lost close to 10 pounds since we got him with all the exercise he gets now.

Chief and our other dog Sasha

(Snuggling our newest addition – while she kicks around)

Thank you again you are all amazing! My husband and I only have ever had rescue dogs and will continue to do so. Rescues are truly the best!

Lindsay Lamb