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Meatball was hit by a car

December 1, 2022... Meet Meatball!  This young puppy had an accident involving a vehicle. 🆘🆘 His x-rays indicated he had two very serious fractures that would require specialized orthopaedic ....

Meatball was hit by a car2022-12-02T17:17:58-07:00

A challenging rescue day

We cannot share every story with you, though we would love to. We want people to understand the magnitude of the problem that we and every other animal rescues/shelters ....

A challenging rescue day2022-11-24T22:30:02-07:00


November 14, 2022... When Leo came into SCARS care, all we knew about him was that he’d been evicted due to his bad bathroom manners. Little did we know how ....



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