Meet “Case.” Our intake team got a call on the evening of January 21st about a dog who had quills & needed our assistance. We rushed out immediately to find him. He had quills on all aspects of his face… including his eye. These quills look like they have been in there for over a week. We rushed him to the Westlock Vet Clinic where he will get the love he needs to recover.
Westlock Vet successfully removed lots of the quills. He will be under close watch over the next few days and weeks, as some quills will still be migrating to the surface.

He also has evidence that he was shot at, at some point in this wild ride he was on. He was super dehydrated and super thin. He’s in safe, warm hands now & we will be sure to update again soon.

January 24th update. This handsome dude is in recovery as we speak. Quills keep migrating so the vet office is doing a wonderful job to keep up with those! He is a bit swollen still but is very happy, safe and warm.Thanks for all the support for Case!

January 29 update
Case is still at Westlock Vet recovering – 15 more quills were removed from his face and sadly he lost one eye.

Other then that he is doing very well and loving all the attention from the staff. Who could resist paying attention this handsome guy! 

Case became available for adoption on February!!!