When the world seems to be coming to a screaming halt, one thing that doesn’t, is animal rescue.
SCARS got the call about a cat that was in a desperate situation. It was evident quite quickly that he needed help, and fast. We could tell by just a single glance that he had been on the receiving end of a brutal beating by another animal. And at just shy of 14 pounds, it had to be a big animal going after him. Thankfully we got to him before he could suffer any more animal attacks and were able to get him the veterinary care he so desperately needed.
We would like to introduce you to the newest member of the SCARS family Bubba. Hey, when you’re a 14 pound big boy, what other name would suit? Bubba is now resting comfortably in his foster home where he can fully heal and rest. He is currently not accepting applications.
Please don’t forget about all the Rescues struggling through this time of need. We thank everyone for their continued to support. We are so thankful for all of you.