A SCARS volunteer got a call about a sick puppy and immediately knew she had to rush Bruno into the vet. He is parvo positive. Parvo can be treated and most often a puppy can survive. However, Bruno is very thin, very dehydrated and pooping blood. He also had some head twitching that we hope is not distemper. On top of ALL of that, he has a terrible cough and his chest sounds like pneumonia. Bruno is currently being treated. We will keep you posted on his care!!

June 25 update on Bruno.
Bruno is a tad brighter today at the vet clinic. Still not out of the woods but we are thrilled he’s a fighter!!!

To donate directly to Bruno – please go to www.scarscare.ca/donate MEMO BRUNO

June 29 Bruno update.
Do you remember his story? Parvo & Distemper tests… tremors and frail… volunteers didn’t think he stood a chance… but somehow, something sparked some fight in him yesterday.
The vet recorded him as “Bouncy” this morning!
He was released from the Animal Hospital in Lloyd today and brought into his loving arms of his foster mom and dad. We still aren’t sure if he’s over the hill just yet, but we are hopeful. *He is not yet available for adoption at this time.

July 2 Bruno Update: This handsome dude is doing amazing – minus the heat – but getting all the TLC from his foster mom. He’s still skinny as can be, so not neutered just yet. Keep an eye on the website as this handsome boy is not yet ready for adoption (we think in a few weeks!).