Hello SCARS, I adopted Binoo, who was in your care during July 2019. Binoo has gained at least 10lbs and is a healthy 80lbs. She loves any kind of food and, in particular, likes to eat the crab apples off our tree. I take her to my dad’s place every Sunday. She absolutely loves it out there and all the attention she gets! We go for a walk every day or at least as often as we can. I usually try to walk her off leash in certain areas, but around town she is on a leash. She’s full of pep, and she’s a super happy dog. She is always ready to snuggle or go for walks, always wagging her tail, and loves to get in the water. She doesn’t exactly like all other dogs but she’s very people friendly. She’s come a long way. I just thought you would want to know that she’s happy and taken care of.