Hey SCARS,  I wanted to reach out with an update on our Bentley (Faramir). We adopted him on 08/08/2019. According to his paperwork he will be a year old on June 6, and I figured now would be a good time for an update! He was part of a litter of five who all had LOTR themed names. He was the fluffy one and we fell in love at first sight.

In September 2019 we packed up and moved back home to Ontario after living in Alberta for 3 years (where 3/4 of our pets were adopted). From day one, Bentley has fit perfectly with our family and has grown into such an amazing dog. He is currently about 30kg and walks like a deer, we say. Our vet said she thinks he may be crossed with a Loenberger – so we plan to do a DNA test soon to confirm haha.

Bentley’s favourite things:

  • adventures with Zoey
  • car rides
  • swimming (wading in water more so, won’t actually go deep enough)
  • cuddling with fur-siblings
  • sleeping in hilarious positions
  • his squeaky fish from his puppy days at his foster home

We would love to see how his litter-mates grew up in comparison!

I hope you’re all staying safe and taking care. Thank you so much for everything you do and for giving us the opportunity to adopt our Bentley. xo